
Suggested reading

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Part A: EpiData Manager and EpiData EntryClient
getpdf Rieder H L, Lauritsen J M.  Quality assurance of data: ensuring that numbers reflect operational definitions and contain real measurements.  [State of the Art Series.  Operational Research.  Number 3 in the series].  Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2011;15:296-304.
Part B: EpiData Analysis
getpdf Altman D G, Machin D, Bryant T N, Gardner M J. Statistics with confidence.  2nd edition. 2 ed. Bristol: BMJ Group; 2000.
Part C: Operations research
getpdf Katamba A, Laticevschi D, Rieder H L.  Efficiency of a third serial sputum smear examination in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in Moldova and Uganda.  Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2007;11:659-64.
getpdf Mabaera B, Naranbat N, Dhliwayo P, Rieder H L.  Efficiency of serial smear examinations in excluding sputum smear-positive tuberculosis.  Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2006;10:1030-5.
Part D: More on EpiData software
getpdf Altman D G, Bland J M.  Time to event (survival) data.  (Statistics notes).  BMJ 1998;317:468-9.
getpdf Benneyan J C, Lloyd R C, Plsek P E. Statistical process control as a tool for research and healthcare improvement. Qual Saf Health Care 2003;12:458-64.
getpdf Bland J M, Altman D G.  Survival probabilities (the Kaplan-Meier method).  (Statistics notes).  BMJ 1998;317:1572.
getpdf Fink S A, Brown R S, Jr. Survival analysis. Gastroenterol Hepatol 2006;2:380-3.
getpdf Kaplan E L, Meier P. Nonparametric estimation from incomplete observations. J Am Stat Ass 1958;53:457-81.
getpdf Mabaera B, Lauritsen J M, Katamba A, Laticevschi D, Naranbat N, Rieder H L. Making pragmatic sense of data in the tuberculosis laboratory register. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2008;12:294-300.
Part E: Beyond EpiData Analysis using R
getpdf Aragón T J.  Applied epidemiology using R.  University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Version 14 October 2013, available from http://medepi.com/courses/applied-epi-using-r/.
getpdf Aung K J M, Van Deun A, Declercq E, Sarker M R, Das P K, Hossain M A, Rieder H L. Successful '9-month Bangladesh regimen' for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis among over 500 consecutive patients. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2014;18:1180-7.
getpdf Lumley T and the R Core Development Team and UW Department of Biostatistics.  R fundamentals and programming techniques.  Version Birmingham, 2006-2-27/28, available from http://faculty.washington.edu/tlumley/Rcourse/R-fundamentals.pdf.
getpdf Manning C.  Logistic regression (with R).  Version 4 November 2007, available from http://nlp.stanford.edu/~manning/courses/ling289/logistic.pdf.
getpdf Myatt M.  Open source solutions – R.  Nordic School of Public Health and University of Tartu.  Computer software in epidemiology / statistical practice in epidemiology.  Version 16 May 2005, available from http://www.brixtonhealth.com.
getpdf Therneau T M.  Package ‘survival’.  Version 2.37-7, July 2, 2014, available from http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/survival/index.html.
getpdf Tableman M.  Survival analysis using S/R.  Unterlagen für den Weiterbildungsgang in angewandter Statistik an der ETH Zürich.  [Note: despite the German subtitle, the document is entirely in English, except for the subtitle which refers to the course at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich].  Version August-September 2012.  It is an excerpt from the book Survival Analysis Using S: Analysis of Time-to-Event Data by Mara Tableman and Jong Sung Kim, published by Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, 2004.
getpdf Venables W N, Smith D M and the R Core Team.  An introduction to R.  Notes on R: a programming environment for data analysis and graphics, Version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10), available from: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.pdf.
Last update: November 19, 2016